For decorative backlight, terraces, paths, entrance to the house and other elements, garden lamps are often installed. Garden lamps for various purposes are also popular, for decorative illumination of alpine slides, flower beds, etc. D. A separate group of lighting devices is made up of garden and park models that are indispensable for illumination of columns and buildings, as well as the house territory and territory of the garden.
Lamps operating on solar panels cause increased demand, which allows you to solve landscape backlight issues in the simplest way. As a source of electricity in such lamps is a regular solar battery. And the built -in battery allows you to work for a long time. The light source is LEDs. Solar lights can be installed in any corner of the site, and if desired, they can easily be transferred to another place. By the way, now they often began to use the wholesale warehouse quadro-construction more details about it will not be superfluous.
Among the advantages of use are high energy savings, ease of operation due to primarily the lack of electrical wiring and absolute safety. Atmospheric precipitation is not afraid of solar lamps, and they function perfectly at any temperature. However, lamps on batteries will not be able to fully replace electric models, as they cannot give strong and fairly bright light.