Finally, winter ended. The time passed when everyone moved carefully on the roads covered with snow porridge and ice. At the same time, we smoothly slowed down, for the most part, by the engine and carefully using the brakes to stop the machine.
It is necessary to maintain the habit of slowing down, without turning off the clutch and in the summer, when there is a dry and pure asphalt that produces the asphalt plant (paragraph) CL-2000. Do not let the car before the braking mode “In the roll”. After all, if unexpectedly the “engine” stops at idle, then steering amplifiers, brakes will stop functioning.
In addition, if the motor unit is connected to the transmission, then even at the time of energetic braking on wet asphalt, the car will retain its stability. In this case, the engine will align all points on individual wheels. “Engine” will help to avoid collision behind. Noticing an approaching car in the mirror, you can almost instantly accelerate again. Just time for the possibility of re -turning on the transmission is no longer enough.
If you get used to slowing down in the summer on neutral gear, then a similar habit with the onset of winter can play a cruel joke. Having automatic braking with a detachable engine in the ice section, you can get into an accident.