Sooner or later, almost every person has a repair problem. Someone acquires a new apartment or house, someone decides to refresh the repair in the existing housing. In these cases, first of all, the question arises, which option to choose the ceiling. To date, there are different many technologies. The customer only needs to decide on the design of the ceiling so that it corresponds to the rest of the interior and style, price and quality of materials.
The easiest, cheap and traditional method of ceiling finish is painting. This is a classic tested for years. Disadvantages of this technology several. Firstly, this is a rather long process. The ceilings must be aligned, then a primer and putty should be followed, staining will be the last step. Secondly, the process is quite dirty. All the furniture will have to be taken out or closed, as well as the floor. Thirdly, such a coating does not differ in durability.
Ceiling the ceiling with wallpaper is also a fairly known way. Wallpaper is better than paint can hide the ceiling defects. However, when water hits, for example, in case of flooding, the wallpaper will have to be re -re -settled, and this technology does not differ with the convenience of execution.
Polystyrene tiles gradually go out of fashion, but, nevertheless, is still used. The obvious advantage is that this is a fairly budget option for decorating ceilings, and besides, such a coating can be made by ourselves, it is not necessary for this to call a professional team.
Beams in the design of ceilings today are not used so often. Artificially aged and rude beams are suitable for interiors in the style of Provence or Country. Smooth and more sophisticated for the classical style. The niches between the beams decorate in any other way, it can be painting and wallpaper.
The suspension ceiling consists of a frame and facing panels (plastic, wooden or mirror). This option is more often used in office premises than in residential. Not suitable for rooms with low ceilings, as it conceals about 15 centimeters of height. However, you can find a lot of suitable and for residential premises of design decisions of the ceiling with this method.
Stretch ceilings today the most common option option. Its popularity is explained by the speed of installation, the lack of need for preparatory work on equalization and primer, strength, resistance to moisture. In combination with suspended structures, it is possible to create your own unique ceiling design. The only minus is the price.
Drywall is another most popular material for today. He can hide all the defects of the ceiling, has the property of soundproofing. Using drywall in the decoration, you can design multi -level ceilings, catwalks, interesting design transitions. However, drywall will not withstand, in case of flooding.
Whatever option for finishing the ceiling is chosen, first of all, you need to consider the overall style of the apartment. Design, coating and ceiling color should be combined with other interior details and form a single image.