Vacuum massage only now begins to enter the practice of medical institutions, and among the ancient Slavs healers and healers widely used it to restore the functions of the stomach and intestines. It is impossible to do without mentioning the world -famous bathhouse, to withstand the procedure for staying in which foreign guests could not and considered this method of cleansing the body “barbarism”. However, the bathhouse is still chopped with fragrant infusion of herbs, a bread or honey smell of steam, a light beating of the skin with a birch broom almost the best non -drug method for treating a cold. Treatment with dew.
The method of treatment, especially the “Ivano-Kupal” dew, is popular with eels, pustular diseases, rheumatism, dermatitis, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, fungal lesions, age spots. After all, dew is a condensate of water vapor, which settles on meadow medicinal plants – fragrant, containing volatile oils and phytoncides. In other words, dew is a natural tincture of fresh (living) medicinal plants, the therapeutic effect of which is undoubtedly, especially with a complete and new moon. It was auxiliary of such herbs as thyme, oregano, yarrow, St. John’s wort, letter, Veronica medicinal, real braid, mint of field. It should be noted that this treatment method does not seem too archaic and in our time. Paper packages will help you here.
Treatment with hand over.
This treatment method was used not only by Slavic peoples. So, from the ancient Egyptian treatise “Papyrus Eber” it became known that back in the 16th century BC. e. One of the therapeutic techniques was the imposition of a priest’s hands on the patient’s head. We find more references to this method in the Bible, and the church even ranked the holy healers who treated this method. How to explain its effectiveness? There is still no unequivocal answer, although no one doubts its effectiveness. More often explanations are reduced to three directions: healing by faith; the possibility of bioenergy exposure; The use of high -quality metaphysical therapy techniques. The first direction adherents believe that the method of handing of hands is effective only if there is a psychogenic disease. In this sense, the ministers of cult religions were subconsciously excellent psychologists and psychotherapists, because the patient came to them psychologically prepared for the perception of suggestion thanks to his faith in a specially created environment (music, prayer, icons, signs, where the names of the healed people were written and t. p.). It should be noted that the imposition of hands, in addition to the above effect, is organically combined with another – bioenergy. For therapeutic practice, for example, the gesture was attached to the gesture with the right hand, known as the “Sword of the Archangel Gabriel”. It is formed by the three fingers of the right hand folded in a bundle, which believers are baptized. It is believed that a ray of energy, which is formed at the same time, enters the space limited by the thumb and forefinger, and goes through a hole formed by a curved little finger, and this invisible bunch of energy is characterized. No doubt, ancient healers more than we knew about the energy strength of the hands, and the method itself was quite effective. Supporters of the third direction (mainly parapsychologists and psychics) include the effectiveness of the method more to mental (possibly really in combination with faith). Efficiency is explained by the presence of certain meridians in the palms of a person. Putting hands on the body, we supposedly connect these meridians to the application point. At the same time, the palms are almost always fourteen of the existing main body meridians (according to the Yin -Yan system). If in some meridians there is a lack of energy, then a positive effect is achieved, if its excess is fixed, the effect is absent.