Wood decoration.
The simplest and most environmentally friendly path of wood finish is a complete rejection of the use of finishing materials, which will allow the wood to be subjected to all atmospheric influences. It is best suited for breeds such as oak, cedar, sequoia and cypress, which are quite resistant to decay. Their wood is exceptional hardness and resistance to atmospheric influences even without a protective coating. However, over time, the elements will nevertheless take their own, therefore, it is better not to use such a method for materials of such monolithic structures as say logs of houses. After all, any unprocessed tree over time loses its qualities. Sunlight causes chemical reactions that destroy wood, and the absorption cycles and moisture release sooner or later lead to its cracking. The use of properly selected finishing materials will not only improve the appearance of wooden products, but also increase their life in the open air.
If you want wood texture to be well preserved, you will need a transparent varnish. The best results are given by ship varnishes that effectively protect wood from cracking and retain its color and texture. Polyurethane and oil varnishes widely used today have a significantly less protective ability. Also, these days, diverse impregnations that are designed to protect the tree from environmental influences and insects are quite popular.