Among the flooring, parquet is most popular, mainly due to its properties of durability, practicality, environmental friendliness. Choose a parquet made of oak, ash, beech, maple. Parquet of oak has a variety of shades, and the texture is different: from a homogeneous composition to complex. Parquet of oak is considered the most durable and is able to operate for 70 years, of course, provided that the coating will be updated. Book parquet has a more saturated color, which depends on the variety of wood. A packet made of maple has a light shade.
Description of the article:
Parquet flooring is carried out on an even and dry base, which should meet certain requirements. As the basis for the work, the floor of the draft, made of boards, screeds or concrete is used. The most suitable foundation is the plank flooring, cardboard is laid on it. An important condition is healthy wood without fungus and rot.
Surface preparation
DSP, plywood can be used as an insulating layer. If the parquet is laid on the lags, then the plywood is put in two layers. If the flooring is made on concrete and cement base, then it must be dried and cleaned of dust and garbage and primed. You can use bitumen and kerosene or gasoline as a primer. Bitumen needs to be heated and melted until it stops foaming. After cooling bitumen, add kerosene or gasoline and mix. The primer is applied using a flywheel.
Black floor laying under parquet
When laying the black floor, new technologies are used. Its basis is the use of plastic or wooden lags with threaded holes, into which plastic bolts responsible for the stability of the lag are introduced. It turns out that there is no contact point between the base and the lag. The bolt is fixed with dowel to the base of concrete, if the base is wooden, then self -tapping screws are used. A step should be installed between the lags, as a rule, on the width of the parquet board or laminate.
If you rotate the bolts, you can lower or raise the lags and, thus, align the height. Excess bolts are removed. Plywood is fixed on the lags, and the parquet is creeping on it. The advantages of this method are efficiency, additional noise insulation, reducing the load on the ceiling, the ability to mount communications under the floor, alignment of surfaces.