When using various decoration of apartment rooms in the classical style, the use of only high -quality materials plays a particularly important role. Of course, natural wood refers to such materials. Its indisputable advantages compared to other materials are obvious.
Creating an interior in a classic style, designers especially favor valuable wood breeds (oak, beech, cedar t. D.). After all, it is precisely such material that is the best suited for the personification of respectability and the greatness of the classical style.
The predominant wood of wood
A very important distinguishing feature of natural wood material is high heat – and sound insulation. In apartments trimmed with natural wood is always comfortable and warm.
Wooden decoration favorably differs from its analogues with the original texture and a variety of shades. This allows you to create various combinations, as a result of which the unique interior design of each apartment room is obtained. Plus, we can add that now there is a fairly wide range of colors, varnishes and stingal, thanks to which wood as a finishing material has great opportunities.
It is also worth noting such beneficial properties of wood as durability and environmental friendliness. True, one must take into account a very important detail – the natural tree feels uncomfortable with increased humidity and temperature difference. Therefore, the selection of material should be treated with some scrupulousness. Wood should be of high quality and properly dried. Subject to all technologies for the preparation of the material, it will conscientiously serve for decades.
Perhaps the disadvantages of natural wood include its rather big cost. However, do not forget that truly high-quality things are not different. In addition, various modern impregnations will help protect material from natural wood from moisture and other pests.
Assortment of wood materials
Furniture and decorative decoration made of natural wood are always in great demand. Especially the tree gives a colorful charm and quality to the library, office, billiard, sauna, loggia.
The tree is also used for the manufacture of flooring (floor and terrace board, parquet board), window frames, decorative frames, wall panels, baguettes, doors. You will need lags for a terrace board. The popularity of wood led to the fact that factories – manufacturers produce an increasing number of types of finishing materials, including imitating wood. But although their cost is much lower, in their quality properties they are much inferior to natural wood.
The use of interior design in their apartments of natural wood is a manifestation of the excellent taste of the owners, as well as an indicator of a high and respectable standard of living.