Stretch ceilings were able to very quickly obtain commonpan from residents of apartments and houses and do not lose confident positions. In this article we will talk about the strengths of the ceilings of the stretch type. So, the key positive points are presented:
– First -class stretch ceilings are made of environmentally friendly components.
– Modern stretch ceilings can be suitable for a new home.
– Will hide the wiring and other communication elements.
– The use of such ceilings gives a strip of scope for a variety of design ideas and techniques. With their help, it is possible to create the most difficult project: there are no boundaries along the colorful gamut, configuration, the texture of materials is very diverse. You can easily perform the ceiling multi -level, mirror, with the use of reproductions of paintings and photos.
– All kinds of bulges and defects of the ceiling surface are excellently hidden.
– Good noise – and thermal insulation parameters, and this is mostly important in apartment buildings.
– High reliability and durability. The period of the ceiling service made of PVC matter lasts up to five decades. Warranty period – about 13 years.
– These ceilings are quite easy to care. It is enough to wipe them with a damp unsteady fabric without the use of various cleaning compositions. They do not collect static electricity and dust particles at all at all.
– High -quality ceilings, thanks to delightful moisture -proof qualities, are used in rooms with high humidity: in the bathroom, in the kitchen.
– Simplicity of installation – the whole process will occupy 3 hours. At the same time, there is no need for an advance smoothing of the surface.
There is a certain opinion that the ceilings of the stretch type are expensive. However, you can roughly calculate the costs of repairing the classic ceiling: staining, removal of mountains of garbage, smoothing the plane. As a result, a total amount will be released, commensurate with the cost of acquiring a high -quality stretch ceiling. These undeniable advantages of stretch ceilings clearly explain their high fame.