In the kitchen there is constantly humidity during cooking and a large amount of soot, which settles on the ceiling, affecting its appearance. The poet The choice of material for the kitchen ceiling is not a simple question. Here it is also necessary to take into account the tastes of the residents. Today there are a large number of finishing materials for ceilings. Each of these materials has its own advantages and disadvantages. In addition, they vary in the price category. Therefore, before choosing a material for the kitchen ceiling, you should familiarize yourself with the existing finishing materials and based on the requirements to choose the necessary finishing material. Stretch ceilings are very popular today.
A stretch ceiling film that is used for the kitchen is treated with polymer compounds. They repel moisture and soot well. To make the ceiling look like the new one is enough to wipe it with a damp cloth. With velvety canvas for the kitchen, the ceilings are not desirable. It is also not recommended to use a fabric -based ceiling. If you want to make heating at home with your own hands, we advise you to follow the link given. On the site you will find a lot of useful information on this issue.
Installation in the kitchen of a stretch ceiling is simple. A profile is attached to the wall around the entire perimeter. They can be made of aluminum or plastic. The baguette can be closed or open, performing the decoration function. Then the film is filled in the profile from the corner of the room and, heating, stretched along the entire perimeter of the room. For lighting in the film, the holes are left and after installing the canvas in it, the hood and lamps are mounted. The film after cooling down, will become impeccably even.
The stretch ceiling increases visually the space if the glossy film is used during installation. You can get the effect of the mirror if you choose a metallic film.
If over time the ceiling began not to arrange you, then it can be easily replaced. The dismantling of a stretch ceiling is simple as its installation.
The plus of the stretch ceiling is that before installing it absolutely does not need to be prepared. Even if the whitewashing falls on the canvas over time, then there is nothing to happen to it. If the pipe breaks from above, your furniture will not be filled with water. Such a ceiling will serve you for several decades, without requiring care.
For the kitchen, stretch ceiling is the best solution.