The basis of laminates is a high -density wood plate (HDF) – it has high strength, provides material with resistance to prolonged loads and pressure, high impact resistance. You can use a laminate for your salon beauty, but do not forget that you should have professional devices for cosmetology, thanks to which you can perform a variety of procedures. Modern professional devices for cosmetology allow you to achieve the most unsurpassed effect.
How to choose a high -quality laminate that will last a long time? Firstly, it is necessary to consider in which room it will be applied. Different types of laminate are used for different rooms. Loads in a living room are very different from the loads in the office or in the commercial. Therefore, there are 2 types of laminate – household and commercial.
When choosing a laminate, it is important to pay attention to the class of the material, because the wear resistance of the laminate depends on the class.
Each class usually corresponds to a certain type of material designed for one or another load intensity. Distinguish 6 classes of laminate. The higher the level itself, the more stable the material to mechanical influences. The most durable and durable is the laminate of the 33rd class, but it costs much more than other classes. It is used in office premises, where intensive patency of people, as well as in shops, in gyms, in bars and cafes. Also, “higher” classes include grade 31 and 32 – this is the so -called “commercial” laminate, which is able to withstand the load in public premises.