Complete ceilings in the house.
1) whitewashing
For whitewashing the ceiling, chalk is diluted with water and added to the solution for a shade of blue. Whiten ceilings with special sprayers, and sometimes a brush. However, the ceiling turned white, after a short period of time, it again becomes dirty, so that such a decoration of ceilings in the house is advisable only in cases where another method of covering the ceiling is not available.
2) painting
Painting is a more acceptable way of finishing ceilings in the house than whitewashing. But this is the most time -consuming and long type of ceiling repair. Only the preparation of the flow for painting lasts about two weeks. A, since the ceiling should be painted in two or three layers, it will take another 4-5 days to paint the painting itself. They paint the ceilings with ordinary water -based and water -dispersion paint or acrylic latex paints. It will be more rational to use matte paints. Water -based paint differs from water -dispersion only in that the water -based water can be washed off, and the water -dispersion has absolute moisture resistance. Therefore, water -proxy paint is durable. It can be washed up to two thousand times. In addition, such paint is suitable for rooms with excess tobacco smoke. The ceiling remains clean.
The best colors are the German Feidal and Pufas and the Finnish Tikkurila. Nice for painting the ceiling and Russian paints of Rainbow and Lytkarinsky Plant are not good for painting. Water emulsion paint has a wide range of colors, and the water -dispersion has a predominantly white color.
It is more advisable to use silicone paints in raw rooms. They cover the ceiling with a waterproof film and, thanks to their elasticity, tighten small cracks. Silicone paints are somewhat more expensive than ordinary.
In the case when the ceiling is covered with oil paint, it cannot be painted with anything else. The use of oil paint provides for the use of olifa, impregnating concrete. There will be no other material on such concrete. Such ceilings are either covered with oil paint, which is irrational, since it turns yellow every two to three years, or suspended ceilings are installed on them.
Oil paint is of Russian and Belarusian production, less often – Polish. Foreign manufacturers almost do not produce oil paint, because it covers air access to the ceiling materials and turns yellow quickly.
With paint, unlike whitewashing, you can experiment. There are a lot of flowers and types of colors on sale. If the ceiling should be found some extraordinary color, you need to tint the paint, that is, mix it with coloring additives. Shades of paint depend on the proportions in which it mixes with additives. Proportions are usually indicated for containers that contain paint.
Alkyd enamel is also suitable for finishing the ceiling in the house. In the West, such enamels are very popular – they are used for painting cars and for painting residential premises. In Russia, such paints are quite expensive, so they are used much less often.
The colors in such enamels are very rich. The paint dries quickly, it is resistant to the harmful effects of moisture. Emalls such as the German Pufas and the Finnish “Vetonite” are represented on the market. Import enamels have a wide range of colors, Russian enamel is worse than color diversity. Turkish enamel is predominantly white.
Import materials on packages indicate instructions for their use, but there is no expiration date, since such paints are considered durable. Russian manufacturers indicate the shelf life of the paint, but experts believe that the overdue paint is enough to mix, and it will again be ready to use.