Suburban real estate has always been attractive for living. Since she is located next to rivers, lakes and forests. Nowadays, rest in the country is associated not only with picnics and fishing, this type of real estate has been accepted to rent for rest, and receive solid income from this.
From the point of view of jurisprudence, the cottage is a type of suburban real estate, which is located outside the city and is used as rest and leisure places.
Private house, while located within the boundaries of the village. Suburban real estate located on the land plot has a purpose for housing construction and maintenance of the house. When registering a place of residence in a country house does not need special costs and difficulties, but registration in the country is impossible. Look at the country country -style country.
In the latter case, a person will have to prove for a long time that he does not have other housing, and he is not registered at another address or even removed from registration. The second aspect, which is acceptable in this case, when the cottage is registered as an unfinished building.
Nowadays, house -class summer house houses are very popular. The market real estate market is growing and constantly updated. It is very important, then how close the cottage is located from reservoirs. Moreover, the cost of such areas is higher than that of houses that are more distant from water.
Know that in the price of real estate outside the city is the land on which the house is of great importance. The price will usually whistle from the number of hundreds of lands and about how large or small on it the house is, or how new or old it is. Prices for suburban real estate are constantly changing and trends in this, practically no.
When buying a summer house, a plot with a house needs to contact special companies, they will help you make the right choice and choose the most optimal option in connection with your wishes and budget. To do this, it is best to contact trusted firms, you may encounter suburban real estate market with fraudsters or companies with one -day. So be careful!