Choosing gratings for windows, people first of all take care of their safety. At the same time, a residential building, office or sauna can noticeably transform for the better.
The issue of installing window grates is far from as simple as it seems at first glance. Premises safety specialists are sure that their use can significantly increase the inaccessibility of residential or commercial premises. On the other hand, window grilles are not the only protective tool. But since the choice fell on them, you should choose designs that can decorate any structure: a residential building, office building or inexpensive saunas in St. Petersburg.
First of all, it is necessary to find several companies involved in the installation of these structures, and visit their trade and exhibition space. Why is it necessary? This is necessary in order to personally make sure that the grate from the catalog lives in the same way as in the picture. Even a short conversation with specialists will allow you to clarify the question of installing a little.
After that, it will be necessary to decide which type of gratings is more advisable to use in your case. Today, the most popular variety is stationary products. Everything would be nothing, but in case of fire they will turn the apartment into a deadly trap. Therefore, you can turn your attention to sliding models. Of course, the degree of their reliability below. As an option, they can be mounted inside an apartment or office.
Having decided on the profile of the grate (square, strip or rod), you can proceed to the shape and pattern. Here, the fantasy of the customer is limited only by his financial capabilities. You can consider the options that the installer offers. But no one can forbid you to come up with your own, highly exclusive option. It should be understood that any difference between the structure and the standard option directly affects the increase in the cost of the structure. Therefore, take your time: leaf through the proposed catalog to the very end. Perhaps you will like something on his pages. In order to save on the author’s version, you can change only a few elements of the lattice structure. It will come out not much more expensive, but the appearance of the house or VIP of the Sabk-Petersburg sauna will be fresh and favorably different from the neighbors.
At the final stage, you need to choose the color performance of the structure. Here you should not forget that painting can be carried out either in a classic way or special polymers (cost more expensive).