Along with all the advantages and minuses of suspended ceilings, LED stretch ceilings have some advantages compared to other types of data data.
1. The uniqueness of the interior – without making great efforts, you can choose the color with the help of the remote control, as well as the intensity of lighting.
2. Lightness in installation – the LED flexible tape is easily mounted and takes different forms, if necessary, it will be possible to easily change its location.
3. Universality-in addition to illumination, the tape can be used to illuminate any interior items, as well as for illumination of the facade of the structure and design of the landscape. When used in street conditions, as well as in rooms with high humidity (saunas, pools, bathrooms), it is worth using moisture -resistant special tapes.
4. Economicity-on the backlight of 1 square of the surface of the ceiling, it will be necessary to spend only about 45-50 watts of electricity.
5. Durability – the life of the LED strip is more than 100 thousand hours, which is approximately 50 times the life of simple incandescent bulbs.
6. Small size – you can emphasize interior items of the most diverse size.
7. Pure bright lighting – due to which the artistic light design of the room will acquire expressiveness.
8. Large efficiency – LEDs almost do not heat up during use.
9. Safety – Equipment does not have mercury, will not radiate malicious radiation for human health. Due to the slight voltage of the power, the risk of current is minimal.