Important nuances of buying an apartment.
When you have no money to buy an apartment, it seems to you that the most important problem is where to get the funds. When the money appears, and with it – and the ability to make investments in housing construction, a problem arises which apartment to choose for yourself. When it was decided, real estate was found, money is ready – the third question appears: suddenly they will deceive, take the money, but they will not give the apartment?
Right now you will learn how to protect yourself from such unpleasant situations.
Who is registered?
Before concluding a transaction with an apartment, make sure that all strangers were discharged from it. Never believe the words like “We guarantee you that we’ll take the documents tomorrow …” The transaction should take place only when the apartment according to the documents will be non -residential.
Why so?
The fact is that even if you pay money, a person may not move anywhere. You will “lose” even if you go to court. More precisely, you will win the case, but the defendant will be allowed to return the money you paid for several decades!
It turns out that instead of the buyer of the apartment, you turn into a creditor who gave a stranger money on preferential, almost charitable conditions.
How much “minus”-money in the account?
When purchasing housing in the “second” market, be sure to demand a certificate of accounts for the seller. Often it shows a regular quit on the payment of housing and communal services. But water, electricity and phone are completely different accounts and receipts.
There are cases when people along with the apartment “sold” their debts in payment – impressive, by the way, amounts!
What is the amount?
Sometimes, when buying real estate, the seller asks you to indicate a different amount in the documents – much less than the one that you pay. The request is justified too high taxes. And the less the amount, the lower the tax below.
Agreeing, you can sign the “sentence” to your savings.
The fact is that on legally, the seller can reset the transaction, the main thing is to pay the amount paid to the buyer at a time. Do you remember what she is in the contract? You definitely did not agree to lower it “for taxes”?
What kind of documents?
A person has the right to sell an apartment on duplicates of documents – of course, certified by a copy. However, employees are not always able to do their work well. Sometimes they are very tired and cannot trace that they have already given duplicates. And if the seller has several duplicates, then he has a chance to sell the apartment several times!
Therefore, try to use only originals. You don’t need problems?
Buying an apartment is a serious and excellent event, especially if you decide to buy an apartment in Ivanteevka, in a quiet and comfortable suburbs. If one step is left before happiness, do not lose vigilance. Make a deal according to the rules.