The use of reinforced concrete rings.
During the construction of wells, the main elements of installation are reinforced concrete rings and covers for them. Such reinforced concrete products were widely used when installing electrical and sewer overpasses.
Reinforced concrete rings in the construction product market are presented in a very large assortment. Modern industry has established the production of such products in accordance with the requirements of today’s time. Reinforced concrete rings are available, depending on the purpose, with different diameters, from 0.75 to 2.0 m, with a module after 0.25 meters. The height of the rings is 0.8-0.9 meters.
When arranging wells, it is recommended to use rings that have a lock in the end part to ensure the tightness of the well barrel.
When using reinforced concrete rings without locks, they must be fastened with one with another special metal brackets. This installation method has many positive characteristics: a long period of use, speed of installation and simplicity of design, hygiene, reliability. Using reinforced concrete rings, you can make a well of any depth, it all depends on the wishes of the customer.
The well is installed in the next sequence, first a small pit for installing 1-2 rings is equipped first. Then digging down the ground and taking out the ground to the surface, there is a gradual deepening of the structure. Depending on the depth, it is necessary to add new rings on top until the necessary depth is achieved. In order for the design to have the necessary rigidity, each tier of rings is fastened to each other in 5-6 places. For this, the products provide special bare fittings. The fastening of individual elements is necessary in order to avoid a violation of the integrity of the structure during severe frosts, when the rings can raise and tear out with frozen soil.
When acquiring the waist of the ring, it is necessary to carefully check their quality, since the durability and clarity of the well -necessary well will directly depend on the reliability of this element in the future.