All gas communications are most often carried out on the wall. So that they do not interfere with your interior – the pipes can be hidden. There are several ways to mask communications that fully meet all safety requirements.
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First of all, you need to draw up a plan-project of the kitchen. It takes into account all kitchen equipment: oven, dishwasher, etc. D. Next, you should go to the gas company and solve this issue with them. Workers will transfer, counter and pipes to the necessary place.
Also, furniture can be designed so that gas equipment pipes pass inside the locker. In this case, in the cabinet it is necessary to drill holes for pipes. You can not integrate kitchen equipment in such cabinets.
Also, gas pipes in the kitchen can be hidden using drywall. But for this method in drywall along the entire length, you will have to drill holes for ventilation grilles. Upon receipt of a positive result from the gas company, the pipe can be pressed to the wall denser. For the back walls of countertops or cabinets, you can hide all gas pipes. However, in height for the tap there are special norms.
If the pipes are held under the ceiling, you can mount a two -level ceiling. The entire length of the pipes on the ceiling will have to install ventilation grilles. It is also permissible to carry out gas pipes in the furrows that are injected in the wall, but it is necessary to cover it with a ventilation crane.