Weak systems can make your work and stay in the office quite comfortable. Therefore, many construction companies during the repair of offices of classes “A” and “B” automate this equipment.
For the convenience of operation, namely, to achieve the maximum result in saving funds and when performing various duties, systems with a set of optimal functions are established.
The low -current systems include: local networks, SCS, LVS, office telephony, access control systems, alarm and video surveillance, and a number of others.
One of the most important working tools of each self-respecting company is the local-computing network. The lack of undesirable and quite expensive downtime, the continuity of the work process directly depends on how the installation of the network is made.
The construction company will draw up a project and install the local-computing network, taking into account all the modern technologies that can be used in the repair and equipment of class “A” and “B” offices.
Laying a local network is a multi-stage process that includes: a general work plan, a project and leaving a network laying scheme, calculation of the cost of work, installation of the network, commissioning after testing the local computers.
The network project takes into account all the subtleties of your work. It is no less important that local networks after installation should be reliably protected from extraneous access.
Laying a telephone network, programming mini-ATs for offices-one of the important stages in the repair and decoration of the premises.
The specialists of our company can choose the PPC model that is suitable for your office, will develop and install the cable structure, configure the equipment and its software. The company has a list of work necessary for installing telephone networks.
The qualitatively installed telephony system will have over time the ability to expand its capacity.
When repairing office premises, it is necessary to pay attention to the issue of protection against uninvited guests. To this end, using modern equipment, you can install a comprehensive security system for a protected object.
The video surveillance system includes the following devices: a digital DVR, a converting signal from analog video cameras in digital, analog or digital video cameras.
Digital cameras do not need DVR. They can work without them, independently recording the video signal and transmitting it to computer networks. Digital video cameras are quite expensive, working with them is not as convenient as with analog cameras. Professional video surveillance systems, given this fact, more often work with analog video cameras.
Distinguish the following types of video cameras:
For various tasks, in addition to hidden video surveillance, standard video cameras are used. Various lighting is suitable for them. Standard video cameras can be installed in the room itself and beyond. Approach any interior.
In the offices of the offices, you can install miniature video cameras that have small sizes.
If you need to hide the camera from prying eyes, disguise it, then camouflaged video cameras are used.
Cameras in which there is a built -in transfocator and a rotary mechanism that allows you to survey the surrounding space and change the position – robotic video cameras.
Any video surveillance system will be selected, our experts will be installed and tuned.
Inside the room during the repair, it is necessary to install a security and fire alarm. The same devices will be needed both in the territory adjacent to the office and on the territory of the lifting parking lot.
This will serve as a protection against the invasion of unauthorized persons. Signaling systems will be informed relevant services about the fire or flooding of the object.
There are two types of security and fire alarm systems:
Self-tested signaling targeted systems included in self-testing sensors with a unique address. Such systems are used at objects with a large area.
For smaller premises, cheap guards of a security and fire alarm are used-analog systems. All sensors in them are connected by one train, which works in case of danger.
Among the fire sensors of the alarm, the following types are distinguished: thermal sensors responding to temperature changes and smoke sensors responding to the smoke of the room. Smoke sensors are more suitable for use.
It should be said about fire detectors of a security and fire alarm: thermal detectors that are used in the premises by the exceeded concentration of vapors and manual detectors used where the operator about the fire takes place on the ignition independent.
Protection sensors are divided into two types depending on the protection: indoors (volume sensors, breakdown of glasses, magnetic-pin, alarming button) and to protect the territory adjacent to the office (infrared active and passive sensors, wired and radio wave sensors).
Any type of security and fire alarm and sensors you have chosen will be qualitatively installed by our specialists. Your object will be reliably protected from the invasion of unwanted persons, fire and flooding.
The premises in which repairs are carried out in order to control and restrict people’s access to some premises can be equipped with an access control system.
There are two types of such systems:
Carry out a ban or permission of access to the building;
Control the amount of time that the face is in the building.
For the first species at the entrance to the room there are special readers, and at the output there is a button opening the doors.
To control the time of the face stay in the building at the output and entrance, readers are used, thanks to which the computer marks the entry and output time.
The specialists of our company will be able to turn our office into a stylish, comfortable, automated and protected object from all sides.