There are several ways to remove water -based paint from the walls, the first of them – using a spatula and roller. But, this method is not suitable for removing waterproof paint.
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It is necessary to moisten the roller abundantly in warm water and go abundantly along the surfaces of the walls. After that, remove the layer with a spatula,. It is necessary to walk through a poorly sooning paint with a hammer, lightly tap the surface of the wall and remove the paint with a spatula. Using this method, it is worth remembering that while removing the paint, putty may suffer a little and you need to be prepared to correct the irregularities.
The second method. You need a spatula and newspapers. Prepare starch glue and glue the walls with newspapers. When the glue is completely dry, remove the paper from the walls, and with it the water -based coating is removed.
For the third option, we need a hairdryer for construction. Portionably anneal areas of the walls, during this procedure you can help yourself a spatula. This option will be most necessary to remove acrylic water -based coating.
If the water -based coating is waterproof, an angular grinding machine and spatula should be used.
If none of the options suits you, purchase a washing product and remove the paint.