It is believed that to build a building from the SIP panels, it is enough to learn to cut and dock them. This is wrong. The construction of any version of the frame house requires compliance with the prescribed rules and norms for compliance with the construction of the building, organizing work and, of course, design.
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However, thanks to its modest weight for building material, which is about 60 kg, 2 people will be able to cope with the construction of a house of similar technology. Of course, a team of builders of 4-5 people will be preferable.
To simplify the assembly process, it is advised to make partitions and internal walls of the building from SIP panels.
This material allows you to get durable, trimmed (without guide profiles) with drywall fireproof and soundproof walls. Such material will withstand the shelf, picture or any other item with weight without special preparation. There are sufficiently simple self -tapping screws to install them.
With cutting panels, first of all, a decrease in the number of joints in the material is required. Reducing waste is of course important, but it is better not to save on yourself.
It is desirable that all the materials are sawn under the planned assembly. To cut the material, a project, roulette and saws will be required.