For those who build a modern private house, choosing building material is not so easy. After all, there is a very wide variety of such material on the market, just eyes scatter. And I want to pay not small money to get a really high -quality and durable product.
The best option is, of course, natural products, metal, stone or wood have always been in price. And even today, such materials are in great demand even against the background of the abundance of the construction market.
For example, you are faced with the task of buying window sills. You will have the opportunity to purchase window sills made of wood, plastic and even metal. And knowledgeable people will even advise you to choose granite window sills. After all, such material does not require special care, he does not need painting neither whitewashing. The stone will easily withstand large and low temperatures, put a hot cup of tea on it and nothing terrible will happen. Even centuries will pass, and window sills from granite will be like new.
Of course, you need to pay for quality, so the window sills from granite will cost you much more than wooden. Now in most cases, similar products from plastic or wood are used. But their main advantage is of course only the price. If plastic is not yet afraid of moisture, then the tree at the slightest hit may fail in a few years.
High and low temperatures are dangerous for both wood and plastic. Perhaps even the consequences will not appear immediately, but over time . In the total, the service life of such window sills will be very small. And if you also include unforeseen situations here, then the failure of such a windowsill will be very quick.
Also, a good option for a window sill made of thick stainless steel or aluminum. Such material is also quite high -quality, it is not terrible to neither natural phenomena nor random moderate loads, and the metal easily withstands high and low temperatures.
Therefore, when choosing the option of the windowsill, you must definitely calculate all your financial capabilities, because in the future the ambulance replacement of the windowsill with a new one is not only a loss of extra money, but also a waste of time that you can spend on vacation or even on which you will receive money.