Laying asphalt is a time -consuming process that takes quite a lot of time.
The first stage is the preparation of the site. The upper (fertile) layer of soil is selected, then with the upper layer of soil (loam) the astringent composition is mixed – lime, cement or bitumen, after which the site is compacted.
Now we prepare the underlying layer – gravel, gravel with sand or cement concrete base.
However, you should not take a cement concrete base – it has a different coefficient of thermal conductivity than asphalt, so the asphalt will crack quickly.
Not everything is so simple with gravel – if cars drive often, under their severity, gravel grains are shifted and asphalt settles in some places, fits are obtained. That is why crushed stone must be filled with hot bitumen, gluing it among themselves.
Only now you can start laying the asphalt coating. Asphalt – a mixture of sand, crushed stone, bitumen and powder of minerals, so it can be prepared by yourself, but higher quality in asphalt produced in the factory.
Asphalt concrete are three categories – hot, warm and cold. It all depends on bitumen – hot bitumen, then hot asphalt.
Put asphalt in 2 layers, and quickly, since it cools quickly and after hardening is already useless. It can only be laid in the warm season, at a temperature of at least +5 degrees, in dry weather.
The life of the asphalt coating is quite high, therefore, with proper styling, it can serve for a very long time.
In the Primorsky Territory they also put asphalt in the summer, spring and autumn. You can read the latest news of the Primorsky Territory at any time of the day without coming to the region itself and without writing out the local newspaper. Fully free.