I think each of us at least once faced the choice of wallpaper. To date, the choice of wallpaper is simply great. In the construction market you can find the wallpaper of the following types:
1. Jute wallpaper.
2. Vinyl wallpaper.
3. Paper wallpaper.
4. Textile wallpaper.
5. Cork wallpapers.
6. Vinyl wallpaper.
7. Photo wallpaper.
8. Glass wallpaper and t. D.
For each room, according to designers, you should select wallpaper of a certain type. This article will talk about duplex and paper wallpaper, more precisely about the places of their use. The ideal environment for paper wallpaper is the premises where daily cleaning of offices is carried out. Paper wallpaper is very moody and cannot stand high humidity. There are two types of paper wallpaper.
1. Paper wallpaper having a smooth surface.
2. Paper wallpaper having a convex surface for further applying paint to a bulge.
Duplex, as well as paper wallpapers are considered environmentally friendly materials. The main disadvantages of these wallpaper include relatively rapid burnout in the sun, the lack of the possibility of cleaning and washing.
These wallpaper are very cheap and able to serve you faithfully for many years. It is worth considering that during the process of gluing with these wallpaper, you should be extremely neat. I would like to add that it is not recommended to glue paper wallpaper in the children’s room. The thing is that your baby will easily apply his image on them, and you cannot delete this miracle.