If you have accumulated enough funds and is faced with a significant task of purchasing housing in a new building or in the secondary market – the choice is quite difficult. Therefore, before making it, let’s try to make out all the pros and cons of.
Buy an apartment – the choice is not from the lungs
One of the primary exciting issues when purchasing an apartment is its layout. Of course, if you have a sufficient opportunity to purchase an apartment in the new buildings of the Moscow Region, then you can choose the layout you like from the proposed options. Having sufficient funds, you have a great opportunity to purchase a couple of apartments at once to combine them. Agree that such an offer in the secondary market will not have to be expected. But one of the expected disadvantages can be the established infrastructure of the district, because in this case the price of housing can change significantly. It is important to note that the cost of housing may differ, in some cases this difference can indicate 50%.
If you are prone to buy an apartment in the secondary market, then be sure to consider the age of the house and the state of communications that can be very unsatisfactory. An undoubted advantage of the acquisition of housing in a new building – there are completely new communications, interesting planning solutions, a clean access and a new elevator.
It is much more advantageous to buy an apartment with your own eyes in the secondary market, because you have a great opportunity to independently check all the aspects you are interested in. Unlike the purchase of an apartment in only a house under construction, with all possible computer technologies, you are not given an adequate opportunity to evaluate the work of plumbing, the quality of the repair, various communications.
To all of the above, you can also add one minus to buying an apartment in a new building. As practice shows, not all objects are commissioned during the time. As a rule, all construction objects are delayed for a period from one month to several months. This may affect the most diverse situations from a lack of funding to force majeure situations. When acquiring housing in the secondary market, all your problems are reduced only to the competent compilation of all legal documents.
After weighing all the pros and cons, you can make a choice that will definitely help you make the right decision.