The alarm system on the windows is no longer new. However, it must be additionally ordered and installed.
At the Batimat-2015 exhibition, you could see new windows with an intellectual alarm system. That is, windows not only protect the apartment from hacking, but also react to sharp blows with a signal. That is, not when the penetration has already been committed, like a system of alarm system, but before that.
This system was introduced by Veka S with a partner of the company’s door locks “Class”.
A similar signaling system of the entrance doors of the Class company is already installed at the objects of the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in banks. And that is why they decided to finalize it for windows.
Sensors do not work from the wind, blows by a branch or hail. They work during the vibration of a “grinder” or strokes with a sledgehammer. They will also work when drilling with a thin drill.
Unfortunately, no signaling will help the usual window. It is easily opened in 10 seconds with a regular screwdriver. Therefore, it is important to install an anti-icing window that will hold the cracker for 8-10 minutes.
Currently, plastic windows are made without taking into account anti -zlomic standards. The maximum that can be offered is triplex glass or anti -velic fittings. But only the combination of all protection systems – glass, accessories and the thickness of the metal frame will be able to really protect your apartment from penetration through the window while the police rides.
Another system on windows allows you to protect children from “flights” from windows to asphalt. Hundreds of children die and become cripples annually in Russia.
In addition to the budget “children’s” castle, which allows you to open the window sash only on top, and not for plowing. There is a mechanism for opening the window parallel-moving. Когда створка выдвигается на 6 мм по всему периметру, позволяя проветрить помещение безопасно.
Remember – a safe window is not only the safety of your property, but also the safety of the life of your child and your.