Parquet floors, bedding in the distant Soviet years, are currently hopelessly creaking if they have not received proper care in a timely manner. When purchasing an apartment with an old parquet floor in the secondary market, you have to think about to repair the floor or reissue a new.
Why the parquet creaks?
The screening of the parquet is often connected with the fact that it came off from its foundation. The old parquet was laid down by technology using bitumen mastic – this can also cause a creak over time. Also, a creak can occur due to the base of the parquet. In any case, it is better to completely completely recover the parquet than to repair its sections, because the problem will occur again and again in the still not repaired areas.
If you still decide to restore the old parquet-out of love for antiquity or if the parquet has some kind of artistic value, then it is necessary to completely recreate each rivet (plank) so that it is exactly the same color and size as the failed, which is out of order, Broken. When laying, new rivets should be higher than the floor level by 0.5-1 mm. Remove damaged rivets so that the neighboring ones are not damaged-split along the fibers into 2-3 parts, and then remove it from the nest. For good fastening, you will also have to take out a neighboring rivet, so that then you can easily insert them into place – rivets have crests, in the grooves of which you need to insert them.
We clean the base under the riveting and repair-dry, primer with bitumen mastic 1-2 mm thick. In one rivet we cut the comb on one side and lay it on the mastic to get into the seams, otherwise it will squeeze out.
After the rivet with mastic dries, a parquet cyclist is needed to level the floor level. When cycling, the chips are removed along the fibers, otherwise. Before the cycle, the floor is slightly moistened. Do not forget that the surface of the floor should be clean – without fat spots and garbage.