Suspending ceiling is one of the most irreplaceable types of finishes. This type of ceiling is relevant if you do not have an even main ceiling, and you do not want to spend a lot of money, as well as the time to equalize. If you are interested in the assembly of the kitchen sink with your own hands, we advise you to follow the link.
Such a ceiling as a suspension is mounted using a certain frame of metal profiles, in the cells of which you need to insert decorative screens. In the role of these screens that are well suited for the kitchen, there can be drywall, which is considered moisture resistant, as well as plastic panels or metal thin plates – this is a rack suspension ceiling.
The functionality and practicality of such a ceiling as a suspended ceiling is ensured by the lack of necessity precisely in aligning the base itself. The space that has formed can be very well and successfully filled with such elements as communication elements are electrical wiring and pipes. In this form, such a ceiling will give the room of the office style. Another plus to this, such a suspended ceiling will reduce the height of this room by 10 or 15 cm. This is a very important obstacle to placing a suspended ceiling precisely in compact rooms.
Many give their preference to the suspended ceiling due to its practicality.