To build an environmentally friendly house, it is not necessary to build it from sand, clay and wood. The main task of environmentally friendly construction is to prevent the emergence and distribution of toxic and hazardous substances at the human habitat. At the moment, the construction industry is rich in natural and artificially created materials absolutely harmless for both humans and the environment. What are these materials?
1. Foundation. Here, the leading role is occupied by concrete. The cement that is part of the concrete poses a threat to nature and man, only during production. The cement is absolutely harmless in a mixture of concrete. Also, the same aerated concrete is the same.
2. Walls. The cleanest building material for walls and ceilings is traditionally a tree, but, with a single strict condition: the tree should not be treated with chemicals.
3. Roof. Among the roofing coatings, environmentally friendly houses, the leading places are occupied by ceramic tiles, gont, copper and almost any other metal (albeit gold). With proper care, these materials are not oxidized and do not enter into dangerous chemical reactions with other materials, as a result, remaining quite durable and harmless materials.
4. Curders or insulation. Now the market is saturated with a variety of insulation for every taste. You need to carefully read environmental markings on packages. An example of safe insulation is expanded clay.
5. External and interior surfaces. Here, nature also did not deprive us of: wood, ceramics, stone, metal, glass – all these materials are available to us and environmentally harmful to us.
All metal-plastic, varnish materials, linoleum and laminate should be seriously studied on the certificates available on them about their impact on the environment.