If you are faced with the fact that your outlet or light bulb has stopped burning, even after their replacement, then this will say that there was a cable break, which is responsible for the supply of electricity. It is at such a moment that the question arises about how to find this cliff if there is no such device at hand as an oscilloscope. It is quite difficult to find such a cliff, and if at the same time you do not violate the integrity of the wall. Today in production are widely used machines for blowing a PET bottle. PET bottles automato can be bought at the given link.
In order for a cable break to be easily and quickly found, you can make a portable tester that will help you find a damaged segment. To create such a portable tester, you will need to take 2 wires and attach it to the terminals of the cartridge. Then screw the light into the cartridge, and clean the free two ends. Then these two free ends you will have to put in the outlet, if the light is light up, it means that your socket is in good position. When using this tester, you need to monitor the fact no matter how to touch the hands of an exposed wire.
Then it will be necessary to draw a tester on the wires if the light does not light up, then a break occurred in this place, and it is subject to immediate replacement.