Italy is one of the most comfortable for the life of European countries. The indigenous people are pleased with the proximity of the sea, the soft Mediterranean climate, the purest beaches. Yes, and the Italians themselves are great optimists and life -loving: they always hospitably meet the guests of their country. Rich culture and excellent natural conditions, this is what makes apartments in Italy near the sea with a popular investment tool.
It is important to understand that Italian real estate in the property is not only prestigious, but also extremely profitable. After all, if a person can enjoy the recreational resources of this southern country as a tourist only during vacation, then having an apartment or villa in Italy in personal possession, he gets the opportunity to be here at any time of the year.
Since almost all apartments in Italy are inexpensively, you can afford such a profitable purchase and enjoy all the possibilities of this hospitable land: the sun, beaches of the pure Tyrrin Sea, delicious berries and fruits.
Today, almost every resident of a large city in Russia has the opportunity to purchase an apartment or villa on the coast of Italy. Based on the budget and wishes of the family, you can quickly choose the optimal housing for it, since offers in the Italian real estate market are always in abundance.
Real estate in Calabria – the southern main region of mainland Italy – this is one of the tidbits for modern buyers of foreign housing. Among the inhabitants of the Russian Federation, Calabria is one of the unconditional leaders in the number of requests on the Internet. Such a high popularity of this Italian region is ensured by an affordable value of real estate.
Calabria develops as a tourist region very intensively. The Italian government attracts local and foreign investors to the region, and they invest significant financial resources in the construction of not only commercial, but also residential facilities. Thanks to this, the coastal villages and the cities of Calabria are literally transformed: the infrastructure is developing, the transport network is growing, the number of hotels, hotels and entertainment centers is increasing.
What else attracts buyers in apartments and villas of Calabria? In addition to affordable prices, the excellent ecology of the region is surprising: the cleanliness of the sea and the grooming of vast beaches. And although real estate prices in this part of Italy are still supported at a low level, however, economists have already celebrated the beginning of their gradual growth.