Septic tanks are part of the sewer system, there are simple single -chamber, and more complicated – multi -chamber. Multi -chamber septic tanks imply the receipt of the wastewater settled in the first tank – in the next chamber. And already in it – more thorough cleaning is carried out. Then, purified wastewater flows into the cavity of the drainage well.
The advantages of septic tanks include the simplicity of their design, ease of installation, maintenance. For example, for a family where about five members, there would be enough septic tank with a volume of 2-3 m3. Septic tanks of this volume and use – clean only once a year. It is necessary to name a significant minus inherent in the idea of septic tanks – a low level of cleaning. Three -chamber septic tanks – and they are unable to give out a high degree of cleaning.
Cleaning wastewater by 90-95 %-only biological cleaning systems are capable. In this case, biologically active substances, specially added microorganisms – simply naturally participate in the decomposition of organic elements in wastewater. That is, after a septic tank, cleansed of large fragments of garbage, wastewater is transmitted to another container – air tank. Here, with the participation of the activity of active silt, deep cleaning occurs. At the end – water passes through the filter.