Starting the choice, you need to pay attention to the area. It depends on you, you do not need to buy a large or small area. It depends on the future house and your plans. The ratio should be 1:10. If this proportion is violated fatally, then liquidity will drop sharply.
Before buying, find out more detailed information about this site from local authorities. Information about zoning of land, monitoring, reservation is also important. This information will not be free, but do not save on this, because then you can regret. We need to talk with future neighbors about the general situation of this area.
Water supply plays an important role. Water supply is carried out mainly from a general or individual source, a well -bearing caisson is usually used. Many wonderful plots of the Zagorod are shortage: a big depth to the water. In some cases, it is necessary to drill to a depth of more than 60 meters. And this is a lot of money, in the worst case, this operation will reach $ 8000.
You need to find out information about the quality of water in this region, because you will use it. If there are wells nearby, then ask their data, the content of various biological and chemical impurities. If there is a well next to your site, then you will have about the same water quality. The metal content shows a precipitate or dark water color. If the water does not have a smell and there is a pleasant taste, then this is very good.
Information is important about the soils on which your home will stand. The soil study must be done before the purchase, then it will be late. Do not catch cheap offers in good areas, check the type of soil. It is also necessary to find out if the house will flood the house during the rain. This can be checked in an easy way. Drill a few small wells. If they are in water in an hour, then the water level is high. If the floods are frequent, then the basement or underground garage is better not to plan. Now there are many options for avoiding flooding, but additional funds are needed. Sewerage is such a thing that must be checked very carefully, so that then it lives comfortably.
So, these are the basic rules and warnings in choosing a land plot. So be inquisitive – and live in comfort.