For many, the cottage is the place where a person can stay away from civilization, and take a break from the bustle of the city. But no matter how good it may be, to abandon the blessings that civilization gives us, I absolutely do not want to. One of these benefits in the country is the opportunity to take a cool shower on a sultry summer day. In this article we will tell you how to make a summer shower with your own hands.
Before the beginning of the practical embodiment of the summer shower in your country house, it is necessary to carefully design the future shower. It is worth saying that a competent project of a summer shower can be even a newcomer in construction. A simple drawing will be able to help well when calculating the number of building material to avoid some banal errors and extra costs.
Mostly, you need to rely on the fact that the shower should be comfortable and easy to use. When considering a place for bath accessories and clothing, it is necessary to allocate at least forty centimeters. The optimal shower height will be at the level of two and a half meters. The most popular room size is 160 × 100 mm.
When determining the location of the future shower, it is necessary to proceed from the individual characteristics of your site. The best option would be a well -lit sunny place. This will enable water to heat up, thanks to the sunlight. It is desirable that the shower is away from other buildings.
Also, you should not place shower too far from home, so that after water procedures you can quickly go to the room. Take care in advance about water drainage. The best option would be a septic tank or sump. Pay attention to the convenience of water supply. If possible, it is necessary to ensure automatic filling of the tank.
The building needs to start by removing the upper layer. After that, you need to align the base, and then fill the area with sand. When building a shower, it is necessary to consider whether it will be a capital structure or in the form of a light structure. The foundation plays an important role in building a shower. However, he is not always needed. When building a frame, a great option would be to use wooden beams. Their width should not be more than ten centimeters. Wooden bars can be covered with a film. She will serve as good protection against adverse weather phenomena. When choosing a tank, it is better to dwell on standard plastic options. If you want to save, the usual barrel is also suitable.