Materials used for concrete kneading
To obtain any quality material or product, you need to choose and purchase good source material. For concrete kneads, you will need:
Cement of the M500 brand;
Crushed stone.
When buying materials in a construction store, pay attention to the conditions of their maintenance, expiration date, quality. Old cement can be tied, after which it becomes unsuitable for use. The sand should be good, dry. Quite often, sand bags are thrown right on the street, because of which it gets wet and loses part of its properties.
The sequence of concrete kneads
Not only the quality of concrete, but also the strength of the foundation depends on the sequence and thoroughness of the batch of the solution, therefore, if you do not want your foundation to crumble at the most inopportune moment, take the preparation of concrete very seriously.
You can buy concrete in Tver by sellers. If you have not large volumes for concrete kneading, you will need a shovel and any iron container with sides (usually use an old trough or bath). Remember that it will be problematic to clean the tools from concrete, be prepared to get rid of them after filling the foundation, since it is not possible to use them somewhere else.
In the container for stirring the solution, add 2 cement buckets.
Nearby we pour 6 buckets of sand, after which (it is most convenient to use a chopper with a wide working part) mix the cement and sand until a homogeneous state.
Pour a bucket of water into the mixture. For convenience, make a small fossa in the center. Start interfering with visually dividing into two equal parts a mixture of cement sand. Gradually, pour the second bucket of water. The solution should turn out to be thick, while completely “wet”, no dry lumps should be anywhere. Adjust the amount of water yourself, as a lot depends on how raw sand you came across.
Add 8 buckets of crushed stone to the finished mixture. Do not forget that crushed stone must be poured evenly, and not in a bunch. After the crushed stone has poured out again, mix the solution well.
Concrete is ready, pour the prepared formwork as quickly as possible, since the solution sets well. By adjusting the amount of sand and cement in the solution, you can increase and decrease the concrete strength (the more cement, the stronger the finished solution will be).