For many summer residents, the issue of water drilling in their site remains not permitted. Due to their high cost, many are looking for alternative ways, both in price and in the complexity of costs. But there is nothing impossible for an inquisitive mind, it would be easier with money, but without money, more difficult, but more interesting! How quickly, on their own on your country site, drill a well?
Here we need ordinary garden drill. With such a non -whimsical tool, for several hours, you can drill a well with a diameter of 30 cm, up to about 3.5 meters deep. Peat soil will enable the well, for a long time to do without a casing pipe. If this is not possible, then on other soils, the casing must be prepared in advance, and after drilling immediately insert it into the well. But the most important detail in the drilling of the well is the search for water. To do this, you need a frame made of two electrodes identical in size (you can apply a wire), bended by their letter G, despite the fact that the smaller end is clamped in a fist. The frame should rotate freely, and it must be kept strictly perpendicular to the ground. When searching for water, moving slowly around the site, we observe our frame. If she found one on any other on any section (crossed herself), then know, there is a key with water! A screw with knives at the drill has a width of 30 cm, the length of the handle can be increased at your discretion, it all depends on the depth at which the water is located. When drilling, roots came across at a depth, then they can be removed with an ax welded to the pipe. At a depth of about 2 meters, moist sand will appear, at a level of 3 meters-silver sand, this suggests that the water is nearby, and a small fountain appears even lower. We insert the casing, you can plastic, and use the well !