Beginning gardeners and gardeners often struck with low productivity and small fruits. In order not to envy the harvest of neighbors, your own beds must not only be watered regularly, but also to fertilize. It is important to choose the right fertilizer for plants, and for this you need to know what they are and how different from each other.
Popular and affordable organic fertilizers
Pre -grown vegetables and fruits, first of all, are appreciated for environmental friendliness. So that the fruits do not contain any chemistry, plants should be fed exclusively by organic fertilizers. This group includes natural products: manure, chicken droppings, wood chips, peat, silt, compost, humus.
The most popular among experienced gardeners is chicken droppings, it found a lot of useful substances that quickly break up in water and are easily absorbed by the root system. Pigeon droppings are no less valuable, but the goose is not of particular value.
Nutrition has good nutritional properties – a product of animal life. However, fresh manure may contain helminths and pathogenic bacteria. Terrendered manure – humus, has all the advantages of fresh fertilizer, but reduces the risk of plant burning.
Peat is indispensable for heavy soils, it makes them lighter, loose and airy, providing roots with oxygen nutrition. For the same purpose, it is recommended to add sawdust from the calculation to the beds – no more than half of the bucket per square meter, necessarily processed by urea to prevent a reduction in nitrogen concentration.
Green fertilizers will like those who are difficult to perceive work with animal life products. Good nutritional properties and a high nitrogen content is distinguished by the tops of beans, peas and other legumes. It is mowed during flowering, crushed and added to the soil.
Compost is a mixture of organic fertilizers, which is easy to prepare from fallen leaves, manure, weeds, tops of plants, peat. The components are laid in containers, watered and compacted, periodically repeating this procedure. Fertilizer preparations required from 7 months to a year.
Bone flour is another organic fertilizer, a solution of which can be watering the beds without risk and quality of the crop.