Having learned how much it costs to connect a gas stove, many people think about doing this work on their own. You can take up such a crucial process only if you are confident in your capabilities and can comply with all the norms of technical security, the slightest violations of which can lead to irreparable consequences. First of all, the new plate should be unpacked and verified in the absence of mechanical damage. If the plate is equipped with electric adjustment, then the installation site will need to bring electricity in advance. For plates equipped with electric grill, you will need to draw a separate power line from the shield, and install the automatic circuit breaker 16a in the shield. You will also need a separate socket with grounding contact.
The first requirement in the rules, how to connect a gas stove correctly is a mandatory overlap of gas supply to the apartment and providing good ventilation in the room, it is advisable to open all available windows and doors. The floors must be leveled before installation using special tools and levels.
Before connecting a gas stove, it is recommended to change the valve and prepare a special hose with a diameter of at least 10 mm and about 3 meters long. Distinguish the gas hose from the tank easily in yellow marks on the braid. On sale, you can find a rubber hose in a metal braid, rubber -legged and alpine metal rod for gas. The most reliable is the alpine metal -grinder, but most often customers choose a more affordable rubber hose in a metal braid. The advantage of the rubber band sleeve is that it does not conduct electric current and does not require the installation of insulating dielectric inserts.
The hoses connection can be done independently only by confident in their abilities, with the slightest doubt, it is better to entrust specialists with the experts to connect the gas stove the price of an error can be very high! After connecting the hoses, you can check the operability of the burners, and test all the available joints for the presence of leakage using soap foam.