Of no small importance in the construction of buildings and structures are roofing materials. These are special building materials designed not only to make the roof attractive, but also to protect the entire room from atmospheric precipitation. Recently, more and more advanced materials have appeared on the market. It is enough to get lost and choose the one that will meet all your requirements regarding protective properties, decorativeness and natural prices.
Ceramic tiles. This material is distinguished not only by high decorative properties. Such a roof looks solid, and also quite durable. Such a roof is distinguished by excellent sound insulation, not a fuel, excellent thermal insulation material. But he has his own minus. This is a very large weight. Even one detail carries a fairly serious load.
Metal tile. This material is a rigid roof and in reliability is in no way inferior to its ceramic analogue. Moreover, it has a number of significant advantages. This is of course a small cost of modern material. It is also reliable, some manufacturers give a guarantee for the life of up to 30 years! Installation of a hard roof (metal tile) is not complicated, this is an additional plus. It is for these reasons that the metal tile is the most popular of the whole variety of roofing materials.
One of the few drawbacks of metal tiles is a large additional consumption for roofs with a complex configuration. But this issue is solved by a soft or flexible roof. This material is suitable for any roof configuration. Moreover, the consumption of material even for the most intricate roof will not require additional purchases of the material. But flexible roofing requires other conditions. This is a continuous crate and additional ventilation communications. Therefore, at the output, a roof covered with a flexible tile is somewhat more expensive than other materials.
Another type of roofing materials is a composite tile. In appearance, such a roof is similar to a roof covered with tiles. But in fact, these are thin steel sheets that only gave the appropriate shape. It also has a number of positive characteristics. Thanks to the materials covering the surface of the steel sheet, it has a decorative look, reflects all the attacks of atmospheric phenomena, and in addition is not subject to corrosion, and therefore durable.
When choosing roofing material, be guided by your taste, income and general view of the building that needs the roof decoration.