Depending on the goals of painting, wall painting consists of several stages. First of all, I must say that the process of painting can be divided into several types. Wall painting on new plaster, painting wooden walls, painting old walls trimmed with decorative plaster and painting old walls when repairing the room. In all these processes, different paints and different technologies are used. Due to the fact that in the new plaster there are alkali, which can affect the composition and color of the paint, you need to start painting only after the plaster solution completely dried out.
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For painting, it is necessary to prepare walls, which consists in cleaning the walls of dust and dirt and the development of walls with a primer solution. As a primer of walls, you can use any primer for the type of plaster that was produced in the room. Acrylic primer with antibacterial additives is suitable for such priming. After cleaning the walls of dust, one primer layer is applied.
To apply a primer solution, such painting tools as a roller, brush or spray. When working with a sprayer, it is necessary to observe precautions and safety precautions and use a protective mask, and gloves. The primer strengthens the surface layer of plaster and creates the best adhesive qualities of the walls. After the primer dries, for which it takes several hours, you can start coloring.