Pile work makes it possible to significantly reduce labor costs in the implementation of soil processing, as well as in the conditions of the zero cycle, which is understood as the preparation of the site for the construction, laying of communications, the construction of ceilings/walls to the mark “0.00 ”, etc. If, instead of the device of the usual fundamental base of the tape type, work was selected to packet or immersed piles into weak soils, in this case it will be possible to minimize the volume of work of the zero cycle up to about 85%. It is worth noting that the construction of the foundation in which (in order to transmit the load from building to soil) are used pointed pillars, sometimes it is the only possible option.
Methodology for the construction of a pile fundamental basis
Currently, two main methods of foundation is being practiced everywhere: unstressed and shock, which implies piles into the ground using a special tool – a braid hammer.
Unstressed method of immersion piles
“Unstressed” pile work can be done in different ways:
1) diving piles by pressing or vibration -pressure. As a rule, such a technology is used when the pillars of small lengths are used – up to 6 m and it is planned to build numerous buildings in the same territory;
2) Working operations to drive piles with vibration. This vibration -making technique is considered wide -universal and practical, why it can be applied when working with any type of soil;
3) diving piles by screwing. This method is a clogging of steel pillars or pillars made of reinforced concrete and steel that have screw tips;
4) the introduction of piles into the soil through the use of high and low -frequency immersioners. The named technology is called “vibrational” and is used in conditions of water -saturated incoherent soils;
5) washing the soil with a stream of water under high pressure, which allows you to simplify the pile driving into dense ground.
Swaibiya technology
Immersion of the pile foundation in the ground using special equipment, t. e. Kopov with various types of hammers, in today’s days is extremely common. The procedure for building the base from piles with this method includes several steps:
Preparation of the construction site, in t. h. layout of the positions of poles, delivery of installations and trial pile clipping;
lifting and installation of pillars;
consistent strokes with a hammer on the head of the pile and its pruning