Real estate in Kyiv.
Kyiv real estate is the greatest advantages and the greatest drawback of this wonderful city. The advantage of any real estate in the capital of Ukraine is a great demand, regardless of the real estate market segment, new prospects and career growth, which is opened in Kyiv, as well as the possibility of profitable investment.
The lack of real estate of Kyiv is essentially one – a high price, which often makes the purchase of its own apartment in the city of an extremely difficult.
If we consider the Kyiv real estate market in its statistical features, the following entertaining points are noted. So, for example, the most inexpensive one -room apartments, as a rule, are bought in the Obolonsky district and Shevchenkovsky.
You can buy a two -room apartment in Kyiv at the most favorable prices in the territory of the Dnieper and Pechersky district, which is beneficial for those who work or study nearby.
Those who want to buy a house in Kyiv are also a large number. Having your own house on the territory of Kyiv or even on its outskirts is very prestigious, and if the latter is leased, this is also a good stable earnings.
As for the market indicators, there is a traditional ratio for large cities of the number of objects sold to the leased. As a rule, the number of real estate leased and leased objects exceeds the number of sold. Over the past year, the ratio amounted to 60% of the lease for 40% of sales.
Division of the real estate market into separate price categories allows you to evaluate the ratio of sales according to the price characteristics of real estate. The largest number of sales and purchase and purchase and sale of real estate in Kyiv falls on the price segment up to 100 thousand dollars. Next, there are operations with housing up to 200 thousand dollars, and the most small share of operations concerns elite housing worth more than 300 thousand dollars. The percentage of these operations amounted to 61%-34%-5%.
The opinion of most financial experts shows that real estate in Kyiv remains the most profitable investment that allows you to be a confident investor in the prospects of this operation. Short -term and long -term rental allows you to almost immediately assess the high popularity of apartments in Kyiv, regardless of the area in which they are located.
Therefore, when buying an apartment or house in Kyiv, you guarantee financial stability and independence in one of the most promising cities in the world.