A lot of effort and time is able to take away the repair. Very often you have to spend time not small work. Such works include the removal of old paint from different surfaces. If you do not take into account the features of this work, you will have to spend much more time.
If there is a need to remove an oil -based paint, then acetone or gasoline should be used here. Such work must only be performed in the respirator. Also, for these purposes, you can apply gamut lime, which is mixed with calcified soda. After the repair, do not forget to buy roll curtains on the windows so that they look even better.
The use of a construction hairdryer is the safest way to remove paint. When hot air acts on the paint, it is removed more efficiently. In the process, you need to use a spatula. If one section is heated for a long time, the paint can ignite.
If the repair must be performed as soon as possible, you can use chemical remedies to remove paint. Such compositions can be processed by both wood and metal, even if the surface is opened with several layers of paint.
Gel -forming compounds are used to process the ceiling. They do not flow from the ceiling, but when using them, you need to use the respirator, and after the work is over, the room is ventilated.
After completion of work, the room should be removed with a special cleaning tool, which contains a lot of phosphates.