Removing whitewash from the surface. Yes, this is not pleasant. A lesson that can be easily compared with the rattle of a palm on a hungry board, with breathing inside a dusty workshop without a respirator. And also, if you do not take out furniture and valuable things from the room, whitewashing can be called a big failure when repairing. Why failure, you have already guessed. Therefore, let’s empty the room first, or at least cover things with a construction film. Instead, you can, by the way, use a worn bedspread, cardboard, newspapers and all, all that has a lightweight, which can protect furniture.
So, things are made, the protection is ready, so we proceed to the “washing” of the surface. Yes, the walls must be moistened, otherwise in the room after contact with whitewashing it will be like in the Sherwood forest in the morning after the rain – vaguely.
I must say that with washing the whitewashing is not so simple. The method depends on the thickness of the layer. The thin layer can simply be moistened with a spray gun until complete impregnation and removed with a scraper. With a thick layer you need to work hard. In this case, we are already moistening in parts. It is likely that it is even like that you will have to moisten the same areas several times with a thick damp sponge. First we press it to the surface, and then slowly three on top-down. Three until a decent widering is accumulated in the sponge. A lot has accumulated – it means time to caress the washcloth. Caress in warm water so that the whitewash quickly dissolve, and the hands were pleasant.
Clear business, water should be changed as contaminants. By the way, instead of simple warm water, you can safely use a soap-pile solution. The consistency of the preparation of the product – five tablespoons of soap and soda for ten liters of water. Want to take white more efficiently? Then use the Clayster. It can be boiled from flour or starch. In any case, the water is brought to a boil, after which an adhesive is added to it and stirred to a liquid test -shaped consistency. After filtering to the mixture, you can add a little PVA.
A very important plus when working with a Clayster is little dust. As a result, we do not have to wear overalls, respirator/dressing, etc. D. There is also less than with the Clayster: the adhesive mixture is applied to whitewashing, dried and removed using a scraper. In the case of a thick layer, we will remove chalk and lime. We work more – less whiteness. We already remove the remains with a damp sponge until our palm after touching the surface will not be completely clean.