The main advantages of the material from the wood-polymer composite include:
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The lack of cracking and deformation that can cause environmental factors and aggressive substances.
Lack of influence on the surface of microorganisms that destroy ordinary wood and other materials of natural origin. For this, the surface of the board during the production process is covered with a film made of polymer materials, and in the future the need to apply additional protective layers is absent.
Panel preservation for a long period of its attractive appearance. This property is provided by high performance and the presence of a protective film made of polymer materials, as indicated above.
Ultraviolet and light rays do not have a long time of negative effects on the surface of the board. The color remains as saturated as when buying, for a very long time. This property is ensured by the use of quality dyes during the manufacture of finishing material.
Environmental friendliness is confirmed by the lack of evaporation of volatile substances and the absence of an unpleasant odor.
It is easy to process, installation, the presence of surfaces without irregularities guarantees safety during processing and other types of work with it.
The low level of fire allows you to call it quite fireproof – the main thing is to comply with the general fire safety rules.