Wooden windows are familiar and traditional in our country. Wood is one of the main materials for construction. Its advantages are environmental friendliness, nobility and aesthetics, ease of repair and processing. It should be noted the high strength of wood, with its relatively small weight, as well as good heat protection and sound insulation.
One of the important points when choosing a wooden window is winter time. The winter season is not a season of the peak of sales for their manufacturers. At this time, the deadline for the manufacture of a wooden window is greatly reduced. When installing the window, the opening opens only for half an hour, which can practically not damage furniture, wallpaper and batteries of heating. Modern technologies and materials make it possible to install a wooden window without large quality loss in an unheated room, where the temperature is minus 10 degrees. In a heated room, installation without a significant loss of quality is possible at a temperature of minus 20 degrees. If you will help you with the windows of the problem Remontokon-YES windows. .
When making your choice in favor of wooden windows, it is necessary to make the main emphasis on the quality of the used wood. You can not use a wood core for a window frame, on which annual rings are perfectly visible. And also, there are knees and accumulations of resin. In the window of the window opening, the surface should be even and silky, without fluxes of varnish and paint. The stacking staff should be glued, and not fixed with nails. The fittings of the company should be on the fittings.
The main thing that is the difference between high -quality wooden windows is their cost. Good windows cannot cost cheaply, the cost of the window consists of the material used and the use of expensive equipment for their production.