Solvents consist of certain substances, which, when mixed, reduce the viscosity of the material. Thanks to his properties, as the source says, he not only dilutes, but also softens solid materials. The scope of the use of solvents is huge, and it is almost impossible without them to carry out repair work.
There are quite a lot of solvent groups, but three main ones can be distinguished:
Hydrocarbon-among them you can distinguish a white spite, turpentine, gasoline. These mixtures are very fiery hazardous, do not dissolve in water. Thanks to them, you can successfully affect fats, dissolve a putty and primer, various varnishes and paints;
Alcohol – mainly used to dilute varnishes. Among the representatives of this group, ethyl and butyl alcohol can be distinguished;
Complex esters – organic compounds of this group are made on the basis of acetic acid in combination with alcohols. Thanks to complex ethers, it becomes possible to dilute nitrolaki to a certain density.
Solvent should be stored in strict conditions. Due to their toxicity and fire hazard, solvents should be stored in specialized hermetically sealed containers, in a room with good ventilation.
Selection of solvents among manufacturers
Before proceeding with the choice of solvent, it should be understood that there is both an imported and domestic manufacturer. Who is better to give priority?
Before purchasing a solvent, it is important to understand for what purposes it will be applied.
According to the monitoring of the domestic manufacturer, we can conclude that the products are far from the ideal. Those solvents that should dilute the material can significantly spoil it. The spreading of the paint deteriorates, in addition, the solvent gives a sharp and unpleasant odor. Often at the bottom of a bottle of solvent, you can see a sediment that indicates that it is not too clean.
If you need a solvent for subtle artwork, then it is best to make a choice in favor of foreign brands that are of better quality.
Each brand of solvents from foreign manufacturers differs depending on certain indicators:
Highly purified;
Great soluble ability;
Having a weak smell.
Regardless of the choice that you prefer, when working with a solvent, it is important to adhere to certain security methods, because it has a certain danger to humans.