One of the main advantages of wallpaper is the possibility of gluing almost every surface. Enough for it to be qualitatively prepared. Consider how the CADORRA wallpaper mainly glued and what are the features of this work.
The main stages
Clean the numerous joints of sheets of drywall with a Serpi (a special mesh created from fiberglass or lavsan). It is easy to attach it, since adhesive substances are present in its composition. However, if you have certain problems, then you can use ordinary PVA glue.
Start putting the surface. To do this, you need two types of putty: starting (used for final alignment of surfaces) and finish (helps with insignificant surface defects). Having finished with this work, we leave the wall for 24 hours and wait for it to completely dry.
We grind the plowed surface with sandpaper (first a coarse -grained and then fine -grained paper is used). We process the wall until it becomes perfectly even and smooth. However, here you should be extremely attentive and accurate. Do not wipe it to the holes. If you overdo it and get to drywall sheets, then you will have to put down the wall again.
Pillow the finished surface. This is required so that glue for wallpaper is not too quickly absorbed into the putty. In addition, the primer guarantees the optimal fastening of wallpaper with the wall and prevents the occurrence of the fungus. Pay attention to the fact that the walls need to be primed at least twice. The most important condition for the optimal result of this process is the uniform application of the primer. That is why it is recommended to use a high -quality wide brush.
Having finished with the preparation of the surface, you can start gluing wallpaper. There is nothing complicated here, since you have already coped with the main and most difficult task. Glue must be selected taking into account the selected type of wallpaper.
Before gluing, it is important to carefully prepare the wallpaper glue, given the proportions indicated on the packaging. Do not forget that the glue should be left for about thirty or forty minutes. After that, you can start gluing wallpaper.