Wallpaper gluing on the ceiling is fraught with great difficulties. Firstly, the ceiling in front of this very gluing must first be prepared and only then you can engage in direct adhesive wallpaper.
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By the way, in the process of preparation, you need to level the ceiling and make it so that there are no large cracks, potholes and other flaws on its surface. But at the same time, do not worry about minor defects, since the wallpaper will be buried and close. Secondly, gluing wallpaper on the ceiling is a rather difficult test for the body, because in the course of work for quite a long time you will have to stand with your hands raised and his head lifted, and in general you will have to stand in an unpleasant pose, on an unstable surface, for example on the stairs or on table.
In general, after such works, in any case, hands, back and of course will hurt the neck. With all this, it is very important to indicate that it is necessary to glue wallpaper on the ceiling at least not alone. The fact is that one person should always be on the stairs or on the table, in other words, on the manufacture, and the other at this time should cut off the wallpaper sheets to spread them with glue in accordion and serve them. Glue wallpaper on the shelves most important is in no hurry and carefully smoothed them on the ceiling.