Assembly of the cabinet compartment.
Cabinets-wardrobes are most popular today. The wardrobe is easy to fit into the residential interior of any of the rooms: in the bedroom, hall, hallway and even in the kitchen. For a successful assembly of a wardrobe, you need to have knowledge of a variety of fasteners used in its manufacture.
It is important to check the condition of the cabinet immediately after transporting it from the store home. First, inspect the packaging of the product and make sure that its integrity is not broken. If the packaging is damaged, immediately make sure of the integrity of all details. Also do not forget to check the closet equipment.
After a wardrobe, you need to prepare for installation.
If you install a built-in wardrobe, you must first prepare the room. Check the evenness of the walls and flooring.
Installation of a wardrobe.
The assembly of the cabinet compartment is as follows. First you need to very carefully study the assembly scheme attached to the closet. Having studied the scheme, you need to roughly draw up an action plan, that is, which part of the cabinet to collect in the first place, and what to leave in the end. If you did not have a cabinet assembly scheme, you need to find an image of such a cabinet assembled. This can easily be done using the Internet where you can find the cabinet assembly scheme itself. The assembly of the wardrobe is best carried out with a partner. A partner is simply necessary, because the height of the cabinet can reach three meters.
The time required for assembling a wardrobe.
For assembling the wardrobe of a standard, simple configuration with two or three doors is no more than three hours. However, there are cabinets that require more attention to themselves, for example, transformer cabinets, cabinets with lifting mechanisms for hangers with clothes, which are often found in dressing rooms. However, it should always be remembered that it is categorically impossible to rush, you always need to think through your actions in order not to miss anything and it is also important to think through your next steps.