Several prohibitions take place when redevelopment of the premises. The most important thing is the prohibition of the demolition of the carrier wall in the living room, although it sometimes depends on the type of house. For example, in a brick house, the role of the carrier wall is not so important. But there are such camps that are a support for plates. And in panel houses, on the contrary, the strength of the whole house depends directly on the strength of the panels in each apartment. The demolition of one load -bearing wall usually leads to the collapse of the entire structure.
In addition to residential, there is a procedure for redevelopment of utility rooms also. But this is necessary for permission from the city administration, from architecture and land committee. But it is very difficult to arrange it. For example, those living on the first floors will turn the space under the balcony under the “pantries”. But this is possible only if the city architectural committee decides that the appearance of the entire building will not lose its appearance because of this.
There are also restrictions when joining the loggia to the apartment to increase living space. In this case, these restrictions take place, t. To. When designing buildings, a certain thermal load is calculated, not taking into account the version of such changes. Therefore, due to such redevelopment, some apartments at home will be unevenly heated.
There are also several prohibitions when using public places to increase living space. Placement of the kitchen, toilet and bathroom is strictly prohibited above residential premises. But, nevertheless, such redevelopments are possible if you take into account the requirements of SNiP (for the bathroom and toilet, the waterproofing should be very high, and there should be good ventilation in the kitchen). And if you do not take into account these requirements, you will have to return the apartment to the original type. Thus, if you take into account all the nuances during redevelopment, you can carry out many planned transformations.